In 2021
In order to meet the ever-increasing needs of customers and strengthen the brand of “UzXCMG” LLC in the domestic market, on March 24, 2021, a service center in the form of “USG Place” LLC was established as a separate legal entity with full incorporation JV “UzXCMG” LLC for technical maintenance and current repair of sold machinery and sale of spare parts, with a total authorized fund of 3 billion soums.
Being a socially responsible company, JV “UzXCMG” LLC carries out active charitable activities. Special attention is paid to realization of social and charitable projects in the regions of operational activity of Khorezm region. Thus, in December 2021, the company allocated more than UZS 200 million for equipping the Khorezm rehabilitation center for the disabled and pre-school institutions of Shavat district with household appliances.
In 2020.
The year 2020 was not an easy one. During the period of coronavirus infection spreading worldwide and quarantine imposed in Uzbekistan, charity assistance in the amount of 100 million soums was provided to the “Mehr-murruvat” (Mercy and Health) Foundation under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan to fight the spread of COVID-19.
On December 13, 2020, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the plant of UzXCMG JV LLC, inspected the installed assembly and welding equipment, localized machinery and spare parts. – This plant has a very big potential,” Shavkat Mirziyoyev said. – But we are not using it to its full potential. Therefore, it is necessary to deeply analyze what other products can be produced here, what equipment should be purchased from abroad in the coming years, order it and establish cooperation. The plant should develop and become a base for industry in Khorezm.
In 2019.
Since 2014, the joint venture has been performing its industrial activities according to the technology of large-scale nodal assembly (SKD) and until 2019 more than 1000 units of land reclamation, construction and road-building machinery have been produced and sold.
Currently, active preparatory work is underway to transition to the second CKD stage and partial localization of excavator production. In order to fulfill the government tasks, the construction of a new complex of production area has started. By the end of 2019, 14 employees led by the chief engineer were trained at the XCMG factory, where they received the relevant certificates.
In 2018
to organize II and III stages of production in parallel, as well as in pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PPP-2698 from 26.12.2016 “On measures for further implementation of promising projects for localization of production of finished products, components and materials for 2017-2019” from our partners – corporation “XCMG” were purchased more than 40% of equipment and tools for localization of parts (frame, turntable, boom, arm, handle, bucket) of excavators and lines for industrial assembly.
Transition to the second and third stages will provide an opportunity to reduce the cost of equipment produced by JV “UzXCMG” LLC, to create new additional jobs and increase the price competitiveness of products, to save foreign currency due to the reduction of imports through localization of products, to increase the income of the enterprise and strengthen the position of the enterprise, both in the domestic and foreign markets, as well as further development of the industrial potential of the Republic.
In 2014
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PPP-2109 from 10.01.2014 “On the establishment of a joint venture with foreign investment LLC “UzXCMG”” with 51% shares in the ownership of the Chinese side, was established Joint Venture “UzXCMG”. According to this Decree, the establishment of the Joint Venture with foreign investment in the form of a limited liability company “UzXCMG” was authorized. In pursuance of this resolution, on January 31, 2014, a general meeting of participants (founders) of the established joint venture was held, where the issues of establishment of the joint venture, approval of the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the joint venture, approval of the corporate name of the joint venture “UzXCMG” LLC, election of the Supervisory Board and Audit Commission of the joint venture, as well as appointment of the executive body of the joint venture “UzXCMG” LLC were considered.
JV “UzXCMG” LLC was registered by the Khorezm Regional Department of the Ministry of Justice on February 6, 2014.
At the same time, to organize production of hydraulic excavators, bulldozers and other construction machinery, more than 10 units of modern equipment, more than 100 units of tools and auxiliary materials were purchased, as well as training with advanced training of the personnel of JV “UzXCMG” LLC in the PRC was organized and production certificates were obtained.
Since May 10, 2014 in Urgench city the stage of production of large-node assembly (SKD) has been organized.
Achievement of production capacity and development of JV “UzXCMG” LLC is planned in three stages:
- large-node assembly (SKD);
- industrial assembly (CKD);
- localization of production.
At the first stage, production of hydraulic excavators, bulldozers, road and road-building machinery is planned in the form of large-scale nodal assembly.
In 2013
in pursuance of the set tasks and in order to develop international cooperation, implement an active investment policy aimed at modernization, technical and technological renewal of production in the branches of the industrial complex, attract and apply modern foreign technologies and equipment, ensuring on this basis the production of high-quality, competitive products in domestic and foreign markets, sustainable saturation of the domestic consumer market, between the Chinese corporation “XUZHOU CONSTRUCTION MACHINE” and the Chinese corporation “XUZHOU CONSTRUCTION MACHINE”.
In 2012
According to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 184-f from March 19, 2012 JSC “Urgench Excavator” was transferred to the State Railway Company “Uzbekistan Temir Yullari” with the purchase of 95.4% of shares of the enterprise. After that, in addition to production of dredgers, the company started works on current and overhaul repair of hydraulic excavators “Kovrovets” EO-4225 A, bulldozers “Shantu” TY-230 of Chinese production, production of spare parts, units and parts for diesel locomotives and railcars, metal structures for organizations under the authority of Uzbekistan Temir Yullari State Railway Company. In November 2012, according to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-1856 dated November 22, 2012 “On the program of development of industrial potential of Khorezm region for 2013-2015”, the state task was set to establish production of new hydraulic excavators.
Starting from 2007
The situation at the enterprise began to gradually deteriorate due to the obsolescence of EO-4111 excavators and the decrease in demand for this product, new modifications of hydraulic excavators began to arrive on the market to replace the old mechanical excavators, which significantly increased the efficiency of work.
Till 2006
the company produced 630 pcs. of EO-4111 excavators. From them 70 excavators were sent to CIS countries for export. The joint-stock company has been repeatedly awarded with various prizes and awards of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Urgench Excavator OJSC was the only enterprise in Central Asia for production of excavators and dredgers.
In 2000
on the basis of “Urgench Excavator Repair Plant” on the order of Khorezm Regional Department of the Republican State Property Committee under the number №-407-õ from June 27, 2000 was established JSC “Urgench Excavator”. The enterprise has already started to specialize not only in current and overhaul repair, but also in production of excavators EO-4111 Dragline 0.8 m3, dredgers UPM-1,1 (Malyutka), MZGN-400/20. After buying out the technical documentation and drawings of Donetsk Excavator Plant on the initiative of the Ministry of Water Economy, the production of metal structures, spare parts, non-standard equipment, finished products and spare parts for land reclamation and agricultural machinery such as eight row planters, plows PYA 3×35, Chizel ChKU-4 cultivators, etc., and the provision of paid services to the public began.
In 1963
was founded “Urgen repair excavator plant” as a plant for current and overhaul repair of excavators E-304, E-652, E-4111, tractors C-100, C-108, T-130, portable compressors PR-10, dredgers, starting from the smallest UPM-1,1 (Malyutka) and ending with dredgers produced in Czechoslovakia DER-250, etc. The plant mainly fulfilled orders of enterprises under the Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan for production of spare parts in large quantities for excavators of various brands, tractors, dredgers and other special equipment.